
Sunday, June 17, 2012

What "Dada" Means

From the moment Abby came into the world, Jason has been by her side. The bond between those two was instantaneous, and I've had the pleasure of watching it grow stronger over the years. Jason is an amazing father - I wish you all could see those two together, it is a pleasure to watch. I got to thinking how very meaningful the title of "Dada" is. I know it means different things to different people, but here are a few phrases that illustrate what Dada means around here.

What "Dada" Means

Dada means

singing funny words 
to familiar tunes
waltzing in the living room
and always ending with a dip
giving surprises
just because
seeing the humor
even during tantrums

Dada means

finding safety
from scary window monsters
being strong
to hoist high for shoulder rides
possessing wisdom
when choosing battles
maintaining patience
at times when control is impossible

Dada means

telling stories
about princesses and knights
painting fingernails
a bright pink that makes her heart happy
playing Barbies
because she asks
inflating balloons
  just to see her smile

So, Happy Father's Day to all of you amazing Dadas out there.

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