
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Sometimes as I sit and reflect on my day with Abby, instead of full-blown stories I see smaller snapshots. Such was the case today as I began thinking about what to write about. So that is what I'm going to share with you tonight.

Snapshot #1

This morning Abby was pretty insistent when it came to what she wanted to wear to school today - tights and her Princess Ariel nightgown. She was being loudly adamant that she was going to go to school in that flowing blue gown, and before I walked out the door, I heard Jason ask, "Any ideas on how to get her out of that?", and so as I was heading out to work I looked at Abby and suggested that she put the dress on the piano so that when she got home from school she could put it on. She very sweetly smiled and said, "Okay, Mama."

Snapshot #2

As I met the bus this afternoon I noticed that "Miss Kathy", Abby's bus driver, didn't give me her usual bright smile. I knew there was a problem, and sure enough Abby was talking back and not listening to directions on the ride home. Apparently, when Miss Kathy told her that she would be talking to her Mama, Abby told her, "No!"

Abby sweetly apologized and promised that tomorrow would be better. I carried her across the street and along the way started to ask her about her behavior on the bus. She calmly placed her hands over my mouth and said, "No more talking." I guess she didn't want to talk about it.

Snapshot #3

Along with Abby's papers in her backpack I found a bag with three small packages labeled: "To: Mama, From: Abby" As she watched me take out her papers she suddenly remembered those packages. She ran over to me and started rummaging through her backpack muttering, "Look Mama, look-at here." Once she found those packages she handed them to me and proudly exclaimed, "Surprise! Happy Birthday, Mama!"

Snapshot #4

Abby didn't want to go up to bed tonight (surprise, surprise), she was too busy playing her guitar and singing in her microphone. I was finally able to get her upstairs - along with the guitar and microphone - she was singing the whole way. She kept singing and playing as I helped her onto the potty, and continued her song the whole time she sat there. I wish you all could have seen it, but I thought a picture of that might be inappropriate. 

There you have it, a few "pictures" of Abby's day. I hope they made you smile, because they certainly gave me a few grins.

Abby wanted Bruiser in the picture tonight, as she so sweetly modeled the new
dress I made her. Could they BE any cuter?


  1. I love reading your blog! Abby is such a cute little girl, and I love her personality that you are so good at expressing in your writing!

    1. Thank you Sandy! She is quite a special little girl!
