
Saturday, August 25, 2012

When It Rains, It Pours

Days like today make me wonder if everyone has as crazy a life as we do. I would like to think they do,  for my own selfish reason that I would like to know we are not alone, but I wouldn't wish today on anyone.

As seems to be becoming our norm, Abby woke up at 2:30 a.m. with tummy troubles. I was a bit discouraged, considering what a good day she'd had (and that it was 2:30 in the morning), but I have to hand it to her, she was a champ. There were no accidents and after each bout (4 total between 2:30 and 6 a.m.) she quickly went right back to sleep. By the time we all lumbered out of bed, the storms had passed and Abby seemed to be doing better. Besides her lack of appetite, she was her normal, lovely self.

Along with all of this, the last few days it has become clear to us that we were having some issues with the bathroom right off of our bedroom. Today was the day that Jason had set some time to work on it (bless his heart!), and the more investigating he did the more he began to wonder if it had to do with our septic system. So, around noon he went outside to find the cap to the septic tank. Since this isn't something we do often, he needed to do a bit of digging. Along the way he slipped and ended up putting one of the tines on the pitchfork he was using through his hand. I knew something was up when I saw him take off and run to the front of the house.

As he wrapped his hand in a towel, I ran around getting Abby dressed and soon enough we were off to the emergency room. Usually when we are all heading to the hospital it is concerning Abby, therefore it came as no surprise that the whole way there (while we were stuck behind every slow-poke in town) Abby kept up a continuous cry/whine about not wanting to go to the hospital, which considering her history is understandable.

Once we arrived I tried to keep her occupied, while at the same time I tried to hear what the doctors were saying, a nearly impossible task. I used the old, "You're glued to your chair" line and that had her staying put, but when the x-ray technician came to get Jason she jumped out of her chair and formally introduced herself. What a picture she was as she oh, so genteelly presented her hand for shaking and told the woman, "I'm Abby, nice to meet you." That seemed to be her behavioral limit. So after yelling at us that the phone she'd picked up in the room we were waiting in was "MY PHONE!" Jason told me to take her home. So, that's what I did. In the end there were no broken bones and with an order to follow up with a hand specialist he was sent home with a wrapped hand, some pain medication, and some antibiotics.

From there the rest of the day was downright boring. Abby and I rested for a bit, while Jason and a friend investigated the septic situation a bit further (what a champ!). It was around dinner time that we decided having limited bathroom usage and a sick kid did not go together. So, Abby and I packed our stuff up and headed out to Nana and Papa's, leaving the boys at home to rest and recuperate in peace and quiet.

And now, Abby is quietly sleeping, and Jason let me know that he's off to bed as well, and I'm left to reflect on the day and think to myself: Did all of this really happen? As Abby got out of the tub tonight and we were heading off to snuggle in bed, she told me that it had been "a great day, Mama," I wasn't so sure about that, but then I had to figure that she may be right. After all, we are all okay - and that is indeed "great".
How can every day not be spectacular when you have this
face looking up at you and saying, "Love you too, Mama!"?

Once we got to Nana and Papa's the chalk
came out, after a few turns on the Big Wheel that is.


  1. The first pic is stunning! Glad to hear Jason is ok! Hope things with Abby's tummy troubles are over soon!

  2. Thanks Michelle! Today Abby had a great day, and it was the first day in three weeks that she didn't have ANY tummy issues. I really think her new diet is helping.
