
Friday, November 16, 2012

Guest Teacher

I've always thought that being a teacher was a wonderful job for a working mom. After all, I generally have the same breaks as Abby does, and our days line up nicely - when I'm done with my work day I have plenty of time to get home to get Abby off the bus. The only drawback is that I can't be as involved in Abby's classroom as I would like to be. I would love to be the "Room Mom" or be available for classroom parties, but on the days that Abby is having her party, I'm hosting a "soiree" in my own classroom.

Every once in a while though, I have some time off and Abby doesn't. Today was one of those days. I had a half day due to parent/teacher conferences, and since I'd done many of mine throughout the week I was free this afternoon. So, I took the opportunity to spend some time in Abby's classroom. I love being able to meet the kids that she spends the day with, and frankly it's fun to teach a new set of kids.

I planned a short activity where we read a cute book about Elmer the Elephant. Elmer is a colorful elephant who, at first, feels badly that he isn't like the rest of the gray elephants, but he comes to realize that he is special. The other elephants decided to celebrate Elmer by taking a day each year where they color themselves and have a parade. When we were done with the book the kids were able to color their own elephants.

As expected, Abby was quite excited to have me in her classroom, and considering she isn't used to Mom popping in, she did a good job of letting me "teach" her class, without wanting me right next to her the whole time. There were a few moments when I was working with another student, that she really wanted my attention and got near tears when I told her that I would be with her in a minute, but she handled it well and got her composure back.

What I loved most was that I got to see her in her environment, surrounded by the kids I hear about each day. I got to see her following the classroom rules and procedures like a pro, and see just how far she has come. Yes, I love it when I have a chance to work in Abby's classroom, and can't wait until next year - when I can do it again.
Abby working hard at practicing her name.
I was also able to be there for snack time....carrots, yum!
Such a good little student....most of the time.

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