
Sunday, December 9, 2012


Considering that I'd written out my whole post about how today was just an "off" day for everyone, and then when I was uploading a picture from my phone, Blogger decided to save my draft with just the picture, and no text, I'd say that this proves my point....but you don't know what point I was making, do you?

So, here goes....for the second time.

Today was a day when the household seemed to reflect the weather outside. We were all a bit tired, dreary, and grouchy. My problem was that I stayed up way too late last night reading a book, so when 5:45 rolled around, and Little Miss Sunshine wanted to start her day, I was still a bit bleary. Jason wasn't feeling all that great today, and Abby...well, we weren't sure what her problem was, maybe it was a reflection of the weather, and our moods.

It was one of those days when time seemed to play tricks on us. When ten o'clock felt more like noon, and one felt more like four. Now, it wasn't all bad. I was able to sneak away for a nice nap (or as we told Abby, to "work" for a few), and round about the time when I was starting to feel very much like Abby's lackey, she would make sure to say, "Hey Mom?....I love you!" But on the whole we were all a bit "off".

Therefore, it was no surprise to me when Jason told me after our early dinner that he was ready for bed. What did surprise me though was that Abby soon wanted to follow. It was five o'clock, when she was crying on the stairs because she wanted to go to bed, and I was telling her that she needed to come down and watch a movie or play some more, that I stopped and thought: What is wrong with this picture? The problem was, I had visions of her getting up at 3 a.m. tomorrow morning, ready to start her day, and I wasn't wanting to go there.

I was able to get her to come back down and draw some pictures, but about fifteen minutes later, when she was giving her dolls good-night kisses and asking me to read to her that I folded.

So here I sit, with everyone in bed asleep and me downstairs for the night - at 6 p.m. I have a sneaking suspicion that I will need to head off to bed early myself, because I'm sure that tomorrow is going to come early.

Since every time I took out my phone to take a picture,
Abby dissolved into a puddle of tears, I thought it might
be best to go to the archives for tonight's post. I will say that
she did wear that dress and those wings today, if not that
sassy expression.

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